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It might mean that you are really good friends or that you have a sexual attraction to that friend.

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Q: What does hugging your friend in a dream mean?
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My friend is in a coma and he came to me in my dream hugging me and talking to me what does that mean?

its means he saying goood bye

What does it mean when you dream about a boy who is a friend but never thought of liking him as bf hugging you and your are hugging back and you feel very confused when you wake?

it means you have a very imaginative imagination.

What does it mean when a girl hugs you in a dream?

Shes just hugging you?

What does it mean when you dream of kissing holding hands and hugging the your dating?

This dream suggests that the dreamer would like the relationship to develop into a romance.

What does it mean if you have a dream of the guy you like hugging you?

It basically means you really like him and you want that to happen.

What does it mean when your hugging in a dream?

It means you have realistic dreams.... unless you don't hug, then you have unrealistic dreams

What does your friend's dream mean?

It is not possible to provide an interpretation without some information about the dream itself. However, because a dream is always about the dreamer, it is safe to say that "your friend's dream" is about "your friend."

What does it mean when you dream a friend and he tells you his sick?

The dream means that something - perhaps a subtle sound, sight or odor, reminded you subconsciously of your friend, and that memory appeared in a dream. It does not necessarily mean that the friend is actually sick. All the same, the dream gives you a fine reason to call your friend.

What does it mean when your female friend hugs everyone but you?

it could mean she's angry at you or maybe uncomfortable hugging you it really depends on the situation.

What does it mean to dream about telling a close friend that you love them?

The dream merely illustrates your natural affection for your friend. You could use the dream as a fine excuse to get together and have a long chat with your friend.

What does it mean when your friend has a dream about you?

It means you are part of your friend's life. That's a good thing, even if the dream is weird. They usually are.

You had a dream about black butterflies chasing you but there was this boy who you dont know hugging you almost like he was protecting what does it mean?

Black butterflies in your dreams mean that you are looking for adventure but that you are afraid to go out and find it. They also can mean you are looking for an intimate relationship. The boy hugging you means you are looking for intimacy and protection