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To dream of chickens suggests cowardliness and a lack of will-power. The dream may symbolise 'being a chicken' or 'chickening' out of some situation. Chickens also represent excessive chatter and gossip. Listen to what people might be saying about you. And be careful of what you are saying about others.

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15y ago
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10y ago

This dream could be positive or negative, depending on its context and on your feelings during the dream. If the dream is scary, it might be a combination of the idea of being "chicken" or cowardly and a "dead duck" or being without any defense. On the other hand, if the dream was rather cheerful and bright, that dead chicken could represent the possibility of a fine dinner.

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9y ago

There are too many possible variables to risk suggesting any interpretation, because the meaning depends on where the eggs are and what is happening in the dream. For example, a dream of eggs prepared for breakfast would have a very different meaning from a dream of eggs lying in a nest, or eggs in a carton in the supermarket, or eggs broken on the ground.

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10y ago

This particular dreams meaning depends on what the roosters are doing, and how you feel about them in the dream. Removed from any context, an image of roosters might represent morning (crowing) or anticipation of a chicken dinner. In Biblical tradition, the rooster can represent the Apostle Peter.

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10y ago

A headless chicken brings to mind the old expression, "running around like a chicken with its head chopped off." The expression refers to meaningless, frantic activity that accomplishes nothing. In this light, your dream might be telling you to slow down, consider what actually needs to be done, then to focus on one task at a time.

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12y ago

The question is quite amusing as written, but does not make sense and cannot be answered as it stands. If it means to ask about dreaming of dead chickens, the most likely explanation is that this is a random dream without much significance. Dead chickens are, of course, an important source of food throughout the world, so the dream might refer in some way to the dreamer's reluctance to eat meat.

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Sameera Banu

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1y ago

Chicken pecking me dream is a warning for problems and issues that you have ignored or avoided for too long. You are burying an old relationship and closing the lid on the past. You may not be fully applying yourself to the task at hand. It is an evidence for your need for more leisurely pursuits. You are not being yourself.

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14y ago

The dream is a metaphor. It probably represents being pestered by a "flock' of problems. The dream could be a play on words, being "picked on" / "pecked on."

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YA MA =)

What does Headless chickens means?

Headless Chickens comes from the phrase "To run around like a headless chicken" Meaning to panic and run around aimlessly. It comes from the fact that sometimes when the head of a chicken is cut off it will run around in circles aimlessly until it dies.

When did mike the headless chicken die?

Mike the headless chicken, lived for 18 months after his head had been cut off. He lived from April 1945 to March 1947. I'm sorry, but I do not know the exact dates.

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The word Acephalous means headless in Greek language.

What does acephalous mean?

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that you're HURNGURY. omnom.