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This dream appears to expressing your desire be married, while the lack of a specific face reflects your situation of not being in a relationship. It is simply a dream about being married, not about marrying anyone in particular.

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Q: What does dream about ex boyfriend getting married but cant see the brides face?
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What do it mean when your boyfriend had a dream that we getting married?

Dreams express the dreamer's thoughts and emotions. This dream suggests that the boyfriend's subconscious mind is working through the issue of a committed relationship. The dream does not predict the future in any way.

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Very generally, this dream suggests some reservations about entering into a committed relationship. Returning from the rest room to find the boyfriend gone indicates some doubt about his sincerity. Note that the dream reflects the dreamer'sfeelings, and does not provide information about the boyfriend's thoughts or emotions.

What does it mean if you are getting married to your boyfriend in a dream?

This dream appears to be straight-forward wish-fulfillment. The subconscious mind produces a dream that allows the dreamer to experience something deeply desired. It expresses the dreamer's current hopes; it does not predict any future event.

When you dream you see yourself getting married does it come true?

No, dreams do not "come true" in the way the question suggests. Seeing yourself getting married in a dream is an expression of your wish; you want very much to get married, so your subconscious mind creates a dream in which you experience what you desire. The dream does not predict the future.

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Having a dream that your best friend is getting married and you get to plan the wedding is a good dream. It probably doesn't mean anything, but it is nice to have good dreams instead of nightmares.

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a dream of anyone getting shot is disturbing, but i would'nt worry about. Its just a dream it dose'nt mean anthing

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You guys are not meant to be

Will you marry me Robert Pattinson?

No, get over that dream because he is getting married.

What does it mean when you have a dream about your wedding day but you are not engaged to your boyfriend?

Dreams are, if they have any meaning at all, insights into your subconscious. Having a dream about your wedding day probably just means that you're subconsciously thinking about getting married.To be perfectly clear here: It does not mean that you're going to get married anytime soon. It means you're thinking about it. It doesn't mean your boyfriend is thinking about it as well, or that if he is that he's thinking about it in a positive way as opposed to "Gee, I'm glad I'm not married, I'm never going to get married, if my girlfriend started putting pressure on me to get married because of some stupid dream she had I'd dump her in a heartbeat."

Why do I dream about getting back with a old boyfriend?

The reason why you still dream about your old boyfriend is because you miss him. you just need to relax and dream about something else which you cant because you cant control your dreams but just think about something different.