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This dream suggests that you may be disabled or that using stairs is becoming increasingly difficult. Your unconscious mind may be alerting you to your need to consider more accessible living quarters along with some of the many aids on the market that could make your life less stressful.

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Q: What does being trapped by stairs or elevators or walls mean in dreams?
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No, there is no machine that can control your dreams. Such devices are science fiction. If you are thinking about the film "Inception," follow the link below for more comments. You control your dreams by what you think about when you go to sleep. If you stress your brain into thinking about a boy you like or even your favorite color you will dream about something like kissing that boy or being trapped in a purple room for 8 years.

How do you play elevators logic without being a member on

use a didderent website

What is the medical term for fear of elevators?

If the fear is caused by being in an enclosed area, it is claustrophobia.

Cow can climb up the stairs but it can not climb down the stairs why?

I have personally watched my cow climb down a set of stairs. The disclaimer of cows not being able to climb down stairs probably refers to very narrow stairs.

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The Cave In Mount Ember Has Braille Codes. The One Upstairs Is Just The Alphabet. The One Do Stairs says: "Everything Has Meaning Existence Has Meaning Being Alive Has Meaning Have Dreams Use Power"