

Best Answer

Only in an alien omlette.

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Q: What does an alien egg do?
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Where is the alien egg in dino run?

The Alien Egg is on Level 5. Go inside a meteorite to find it. The Alien Egg is light blue. It is the only super egg that spins.

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What do you do with an alien egg?

Ummm throw it away. are you sure its not a chicken egg?

Alien egg how do you know if your alien is pregnant?

See a doctor... its always the best way (;

How do you know if your alien egg is breathing?

if they move

Can a gooey alien have a baby alien with a scardox alien?

yes but you have to put them back to back and put them in the same egg /fridge

Can you put your alien with goo in water with out the egg?

You should no put an Alien with Goo in water without the egg. The water will damage the goo and it will no longer be usable.

How do you make another alien from an alien egg?

If you find one please let me know! :D

Is the gold alien egg good or evil?

The good alien is gold and evil is Grey/Black

what will happen if you put your alien with the goo in the water with out the egg?

Jelly-like aliens in a plastic egg are a popular toy for young children. The aim of the toy is to place the egg in water and within 48 hours the alien will grow. If you put your alien with the goo in the water without the egg, it may get damaged and lose some of its shape.