I personally believe that if you dream of someone chasing you, it means that you are running away from something perhaps something you don't want to deal with when you're awake, but when you're asleep your subconscious deals with it. I suggest you try to unmask the person you're running away from, that way you'll unmask what the true problem is, remember your dreams can't hurt you so you might as well unmask the problem
When anything is chasing you in a dream it usually means that you are under some stress in work, school, or relationships.
chasing your dreams means pursuing a dream, doing what it takes to acheive it, being determined and really wanting to achieve it. :)
it means you should buy a hippo
The duration of Chasing a Dream is 2 hours.
From the phrasing of the question, this sounds like a one-way affection. The dream illustrates the uselessness of chasing after someone who does not feel the same attraction.
Chasing a Dream was created on 2009-04-25.
Your "Princess and the Frog". Love, Oliver
it means hamsters hate you
It means you need to run faster.
Maybe you need to lay off the unhealthy foods...
Chasing the Dream - 2010 was released on: USA: 1 February 2010
The lightning and thunder storms are the problems that you have to deal with in your real life. At different times, different issues may be symbolized by similar images of lightning and storms in your dreams. Similarly, the person chasing you represents a threatening or scary issue that you are trying to avoid or "run from." That aspect of the dream is likely to recur until you confront the issue and resolve it.