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it means you are cheating yourself. and you know that thing v ery well. don't cheat yourself its not good.

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Q: What does a dream about yourself cheating mean?
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If I have a dream my signifigant other is cheating on me is he?

Just because you have a dream that he is cheating on you does not mean that he is, however, it does mean that the thought of it is heavy on your mind. It is a miserable way of life to worry about such things. If he is cheating on you, eventually you will catch him, but if he isn't and you continually badger him with accusations it is going to cause huge problems as well. Believe in yourself, and life will be much better for you.

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This dream illustrates your own feelings about your girlfriend rather than revealing her behavior or intensions. You might suspect that she is cheating, and the dream reveals your suspicions. That does not mean that she is cheating.

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That You Want To Be With Your Ex.

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No it doesnt.

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What is "chitting"? if you mean cheating - it can mean nothing or that YOU are worried about something.

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it means you do not trust your girlfriend.

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It is a warning...

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It means you are quite normal!!

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It means you are a very insecure person.

What does ot mean when you dream about yourself flying?

When you dream about yourself flying, it only means that you enjoyed your daytime.

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You still have feelings for your old boyfriend.

What does it mean if you dream your boyfriend is cheating on you with someone he used to like?

Dreaming can be a pure hypothetical thought. It means that you are very conservative about your boyfriend cheating on you.