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It symbolizes membership in a gang. if it is black, red, pink,gold, brown it is a People nation affiliate. if it is blue, gray, orange, purple it is crip or folk nation. blue & black latinos are most likely MS-13, they are heavily tatooed

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Q: What does a bandana in a back pocket symbolize?
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What does a red bandana in the left back pocket mean in the gay community?

A red bandana in the left back pocket means the person is looking to "fist" as a top.

What does a bandana in the back pocket symbolize for gay men?

This is called the "hanky code" and was more common in the 1970s and 1980s when most gay people were closeted. It is a code for gay men to let other gay men know what what they are interested in. The code has to do with the color of the bandana and which pocket it's in.It still exists, but it's not very common anymore.Hanky Codes

What does a bandanna in the back pocket symbolize?

Why does Mitchel Musso always have a bandanna on a part of his body?

I saw Mitchel Musso had a black bandana which is in his pocket on its back of the pants!

How do you fold a bandana to hang from your back pocket?

It depends on what you want it to look like but if you want it to look triangle-ish then just put it into triangles and throw in your back pocket. It actually looks cooler though if you just do it the way that YOU want to and make it look messy. Haha. =] ~Singer

What does a red bandana symbolize?

Where I'm from if you wear a red bandana on the right side of your body means your a member of the Bloods. It's fine to wear on your head or around your neck... i always wear one around my neck.

What does wearing a white bandana and holding a red bandana mean?

Wearing a white bandana can symbolize solidarity or peace, while holding a red bandana can represent strength or courage. Together, the combination may signify a call for unity and resilience in the face of challenges.

Why do crips wear their on the left?

The Crips gang wearing their bandana to the left dates back to the 60's, when the Crips were getting started. There was a Crip named Curtis Morrow aka Buddha who used to walk around wearing a blue bandana on the back side of his left pocket, he wore it for fashion. When Buddha died the Crips carried on the tradition and now that's why they wear blue bandanas to the left, in honor of Buddha.

What does a blue or red bandana in the back pocket mean?

It usually means Gang things Blue=Crips Red is Bloods blue and white is Gd's they wear them for the gang they are in and to know who against and who with they show who they with and they show they are affiliated and support the gang

What is in your back pocket?

I don't have a physical form or a back pocket, so there is nothing in my back pocket.

What is a sentence for bandana?

My bandana is soaked with sweat. I like that camouflaged bandana.

How do you tie neckerchief?

Take the bandana or handkerchief and lay it on a flat surface. Take the bandana and start folding it into a triangle. Start by rolling the bandana from the highest point of the triangle and roll it down to the long side. Now tie the bandana rolled up in the middle. Take the bandana and start wrapping it around your head and tieing in the back. This style is commonly worn when working in the sun. It will take the sweat from the eyes. Hope this helps.