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Q: What does 'he who gets a name for early rising can stay in until midday' mean?
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What is the meaning of early bird catches the worm?

Usually used to inspire early rising or promptness in initiating projects, it means an early start will improve the liklihood of success.OTOH,1) who wants to eat worms?2) But...the second mouse gets the cheese!!!It means that the one who gets somewhere early gets the better things

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At midday your shadow will be at its shortest as the sun is closer to being overhead and you block less of its light. As the afternoon progresses and it gets further past midday the sun sinks lower in the sky and your shadow gets longer.

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He gets here as soon as the last child is asleep. So, it is up to you to do your bit and get to bed early.

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A hurricane gets its energy from heat rising from the sea. So naturally, when it hits land, that rising heat is no longer there to supply the hurricane with energy. So it begins to slow down and become weaker and weaker until it finally stops.

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Hmm... Sometime in early September, until Hoshino Katsura gets another injury or problem.

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Yes, because at night in deserts it's ALWAYS cold. Then in the morning, it gets BURNING hot.

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it gets warmer

What does 'Good luck beats early rising ' mean?

Well, if early rising refers to 'Early Bird gets the worm' then it could only mean that good luck wins over how much earlier you wake from others in reference to the bird quote. Somehow it is kind of perplexing because it's saying luck weighs over any attempt you make, but if you think about it it's true. Sometimes you attempt something and you do your best but the other person was plain lucky and wins over you

What happens to the temperature if you put magnesium and hyrodrchloric acid together?

... then the temperature gets rising.

Can you give me a sample sentence using idiom early bird gets the worm?

As my mom would say......... Early Bird gets the worm!