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Q: What do you call someone who is superstitious?
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When does a bilief become superstitious?

A superstition is simply someone else's belief that we do not share.

Is there a superstitious meaning when your necklace clasp moves to the front?

My mom always told me it meant someone is thinking of you.

Why are parents so superstitious?

Parents and superstitious people are two intersecting but not overlapping sets. Not all parents are superstitious. Not all superstitious people are parents. In truth, kids tend to be more superstitious than their parents.Parents are people. Some people are superstitious. Some of those superstitious people are parents.A lot of people are NOT superstitious. A lot of those non-superstitious people are parents.The parents who are superstitious are superstitious for pretty much the same reasons that anybody is superstitious:People sometimes conflate coincidence with causation: I did "A" and "B" happened, therefore A caused B.People don't know why things happen so they come up with superstitions to explain the unknown.Some superstitions are more a matter of tradition and culture than actually believing that something will or won't happen based on what we do or don't do. We observe the superstition because it is FUN, not because we really believe in it.Note that what some people call faith or experience, unbelievers can call superstition. A quote from Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) illustrates this when it comes to parents: "When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."... substitute the word "superstitious" for "ignorant" and the point is made.

What does it mean or represent when someone hangs two chicken wishbones from their mirror in their bedroom?

Probably it means that that person is superstitious.

Is there anything superstitious in world?

No. People are superstitious, not things.

What is the conclusion of these superstitious belief?

what is conclusion of superstitious beliefs

What might an superstitious character do?

what might an superstitious character do

Which preposition is used after superstitious?

The preposition "about" is commonly used after the word "superstitious." For example, "She is superstitious about stepping on cracks in the sidewalk."

What is superstitious?

Superstitious is believing in things that are very untrue. Simple as that.

What superstitious beliefs don't have a scientific basis?

All of them, that is why they are superstitions.

Are their evidences as to the truthfulness of the superstitious beliefs?

There are no scientific evidences for superstitious beliefs. Not only that, but there is no evidence of any kind for superstitious beliefs.

Why are southerners superstitious?

The superstitious nature of some southerners is probably linked to their belief in the supernatural