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Arteries take blood from the heart to the cells of the body. Capillaries take the blood to the individual cells to give them food and oxygen. They then take Carbon Dioxide and waste away from the cells. Veins then take blood from the capillaries back to the heart. The Heart then sends blood through another artery to the lungs. It goes through different capillaries to get rid of Carbon Dioxide and pick up Oxygen. Then it goes through another vein back to the heart. From the heart, it goes back to the starting point.

During the process, some of the blood going to the cells of the body goes through the kidneys to get rid of wastes. Some goes through the liver to get rid of different wastes and to pick up food from the intestines. Some goes to muscles. Some goes to the brain. Some feeds the heart so it can pump blood.veins,artery,capillaries.

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13y ago

veins take blood towards heart.

arteries carry blood away from heart.

capillaries are involved in exchange of material between blood and tissues.

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