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In Florida bigfoot is called the Skunk Ape.

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Q: What do they call Bigfoot in Florida?
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What is bigfoot called in Florida?

The name for bigfoot in Florida is Skunk Ape

What is a skunk ape?

It is another name for bigfoot or sasquatch. It is Florida's bigfoot's name.

What do you call a baby bigfoot?

Bigfoot, Plural: Bigfoot, Adult Name: Sasquatch, Plural: Sasquatch

What are Bigfoots nicknames?

bigfoot, yeti, sasquatch, and Florida skunk ape.

What do you call a large ape?

Bigfoot. Or King Kong.

How do you catch Bigfoot in Florida?

It is very complicated to catch Bigfoot in Florida. Here are the steps.Lay out Miami Heat tickets in the middle of the forest.When Bigfoot shows up to the game (he will) put a large hotdog on the court during halftimeDrag the hot dog to the beachDrag the hot dog into the water, where you spy-dolphins will be waitingHave your spy dolphins catch Bigfoot in a netSit on your beach chair and sip a CokeShoot Bigfoot with an M16I hope you can follow these steps. If you can't, you're screwed.

Why do they call yeti sasquatch?

You my friend, are getting Bigfoot and the Yeti mixed up. "Sasquatch" is a Native American word for bigfoot.

When was the yeti called bigfoot?

bigfoot is the word the creature is called in the United States. The other names of creatures of some other coutries may not be the same one we call bigfoot. The name sasquatch is the word native American called the bigfoot.

What do people call bigfoot in Canada?


Where is bigfoot a lot?

It is often found in the pacific northwest.It's cousin the skunk ape is often sighted in Florida.

Why do they call it Bigfoot when there are two feet?

Maybe it only has 1 big foot

What did the lacota Indians call bigfoot?

Don't ask.Don't ask.The Lakota, or western Sioux, call BigfootChiye-tanka