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as alien spaceship watching our nuclear activity and watching our progress collect our intelligence maybe...

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Q: What do most scientist think UFO are?
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What do scientist think UFO foul is?

It's hard to say. I don't know what UFO foul is.

Where was the most amazing UFO sighting?

I Think New Mexico. Maybe.

What year has had the most UFO sightings reported?

I think it was 2007 with 15 reported sightings.

What are the qualifications that are needed to become a UFO research scientist?

What you're thinking of is a UFOlogist, and there are no qualifications as it's not an actual scientific field, it's simply civillian research of the phenomenon. I recommend a basic understanding of UFO's, the history of UFO reports, and a neutral stance - most real UFOlogists don't jump to conclusions when investigating them.

Where does scientist get most of their images?

I think they take them with cameras, but they get them, too, I think, from the internet?

Did JFK see a UFO in office?

I don't think so. He wanted to 'blow the whistle' on the CIA in UFO coverups. He did not actually see a UFO himself.

What animals do most scientist think reptiles evolved?

Most scientists believe that reptiles evolved from amphibians, specifically from ancient creatures known as early reptiliomorphs. These early tetrapods adapted to a more terrestrial lifestyle, eventually giving rise to reptiles.

What is the name of a scintist that studies UFO?

A person that studies UFOs, scientist or otherwise, is usually called a Ufologist.

Did most scientist think the black death was a form of malaria?

No they think its close to Ebola

Did most scientist think the black death was form of malaria?

No they think its close to Ebola

Do you think men are actually building UFOs?

A UFO is an object which flies and you cannot identify it (ie. you don't know what it is). I think it is safe to say that if you are building something, you know what it is, and hence, is not a UFO. So you can see that it is practically impossible to build a UFO. Note :- UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object.

How many UFO sightings were reported in 2011?

Below are a couple of sites with the most recent UFO reports.