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Black candles can signify many different things. They are mostly associated with rites and spells regarding the death of an individual (not necessarily something negative) They are associated with the sabbat Samhain. They are also at times used for magickal workings of a negative nature. All colors and shades have a believed vibration that makes them unique to use in certain circumstances, however, should you feel that black represents love to you as opposed to using pink or red (which are commonly used "love" colors) than by using the commonly accepted color in lieu of the color you feel is most appropriate you are hindering your working. To sum it up, it is all about your personal interpretation and not really what the masses believe about something.

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Q: What do candles black signify?
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Black candles are typically made from paraffin wax or beeswax, just like candles of other colors. The black pigment is added to the wax during the manufacturing process to give the candles their dark color. Some black candles are also infused with essential oils or other scents for fragrance.

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Candles are typically held around the lectern during the reading of the gospel as a symbol of reverence and to signify the importance of the message being conveyed. The light from the candles is also seen as a representation of Christ as the light of the world.

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No. Candles do not harm ceilings. Are you worried about it turning black? This company offers virtually soot free candles.

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There are no candles specifically for lent. I believe you are instead thinking of advent and the advent wreath, in which case each candle represents a different theme for each week.

What do Methodist church candles mean?

It depends what candles you are asking about. The white ones used for everyday ceremonies are lit to signify the presence of the Holy Spirit. There are also special candles, such as Advent candles, that have specific meaning Advent candles are lit for 4 week prior to Christmas. One new candle is lit every week. At Christmas, the Christ Candle is lit to show Christ's birth into the world. I have also seen Methodists use candles as a Nativity, in Wedding's, and when singing.

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red represents death red represents love red represents blood. black represents the freedom. the green represents the grass the African American had to eat. grean represents the gold they found and grean represents the food. =)

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A Christian with sympathetic leanings toward Wicca.

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Cheap candles

What does the colour black signify?

Black often symbolizes power, mystery, elegance, and sophistication. It can also represent authority, formality, and strength.

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