The star sign for born on March 18 is Pisces.
If you are born on February 22, your zodiac sign is Pisces.
I believe it is pisces because my Sister was born on March 20th 2001 and her Zodiac sign is Pisces... I am a pisces too uwu...
If you were born on March 28, your zodiac star sign is Aries (March 21 - April 20).
Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac. The calendar dates that are associated with Pisces are 19 February to 20 March, depending on the year.
If you were born 1st of February to the 18th of February you are an Aquarius in the Western Zodiac. In the Amerind Earth magic zodiac you are Ottor. If you were born 19th of February to 29th February you are Pisces in the Western zodiac. In the Amerind Earth Magic zodiac you are Wolf.
Rihanna was born on February 20, 1988. The Sun is in Pisces.
The zodiac sign for someone born on March 14th is Pisces.
you are a capriconthat means you arePractical and prudentAmbitious and disciplinedPatient and carefulHumorous and reserved