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I believe there have been messages sent out with no answers coming back. But I doubt if there were any answering messages our government would tell us about it. They seem to think extraterrestrial life is not fodder for the general public and keep anything alien under strict security.

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Q: What attempts have been made to contact intelligent extraterrestrial life?
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The age of contact refers to the time when humans first established contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, if they exist. This concept is largely theoretical and has not been proven or observed in reality.

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There is currently no definitive evidence of intelligent life on any planet. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is ongoing, but as of now, no confirmed findings have been made.

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As of now, there is no definitive evidence or consensus within the scientific community about the existence of intelligent life on other planets. While many scientists believe that it is possible, no confirmatory discoveries have been made. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence continues through initiatives like the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program.

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There is no confirmed record of any extraterrestrial landing on Earth.

What are SETIs results so far?

SETI, or the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has not found any conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life so far. The organization continues to scan the skies for signals that could indicate intelligent life beyond Earth. While there have been some intriguing signals and anomalies detected, none have provided definitive proof of extraterrestrial intelligence.

What planet has intelligent life?

As of current scientific understanding, Earth is the only planet known to have intelligent life forms. While there is ongoing research and exploration for signs of extraterrestrial life, no conclusive evidence has been found to confirm the existence of intelligent life on any other planet in our solar system or beyond.

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Extraterrestrial cyclones are storms or atmospheric disturbances that occur on celestial bodies other than Earth, such as other planets or moons within our solar system. For example, Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a giant cyclone that has been observed for centuries. These cyclones may exhibit similar characteristics to cyclones on Earth, but are often influenced by the unique atmospheric conditions of each celestial body.

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There have been hundreds of thousands of UFO sightings around the world since 1940. And in all that time, there have been NO verified instances of contact with extraterrestrial life forms.

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that Earth has been explored by other life forms from beyond our planet. The search for extraterrestrial life continues, but no confirmed contact or exploration has occurred.

Are ETs real?

There is currently no definitive scientific evidence to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life. While there have been numerous claims of sightings and encounters, none have been conclusively verified. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence continues through initiatives like SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence).

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The US Government has denied that any extraterrestrial life has been found and has also denied that Area 51 contains any extraterrestrial life.

Have there been any peace attempts to stop the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

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