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Q: What are the signs of septicemia?
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What has the author Charles Delucena Meigs written?

Charles Delucena Meigs has written: 'On the nature, signs, and treatment of childbed fevers' -- subject(s): Diseases, Puerperal septicemia, Women, Puerperal septicemia.

Is there a vaccine for septicemia?

Septicemia is a blood infection, not a germ. There are a number of vaccines that reduce the risk of septicemia from a given pathogen.

Is septicemia stomach cancer?

No, septicemia is blood poisoning caused by germs.

Which test is used to rule out septicemia?

A blood culture is used to rule out septicemia.

What is systemic disease caused by the spread of bacteria via the circulating blood?

Sepsis, septicemia.

How you would get septicemia?

Septicemia is systemic blood poisoning. You can get it if you have a localized infection that spreads into other parts of your body.

Is a blood infection terminal?

A blood infection, also known as sepsis, can be life-threatening if not treated promptly. However, with early diagnosis and appropriate medical intervention, many people recover from sepsis. The prognosis depends on various factors such as the underlying cause of the infection and the individual's overall health.

What infection can cause septicemia?

Septicemia can be caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Some common infections that can lead to septicemia include pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and abdominal infections like peritonitis. Early recognition and treatment of the underlying infection are crucial to prevent septicemia.

Can septicemia be caused by gangrene?

Yes, gangrene can lead to septicemia. Gangrene is the death of body tissue due to a lack of blood flow or a bacterial infection. If left untreated, the bacterial infection causing gangrene can spread to the bloodstream, leading to septicemia, a serious and life-threatening condition.

Septicemia ICD code?


An infection that becomes systemic?

An infection that becomes systemic means that it has spread beyond its initial site to other parts of the body, potentially affecting multiple organs or systems. This can lead to more severe symptoms and complications, requiring prompt medical attention and treatment to prevent further spread and damage. Systemic infections can be serious and may require antibiotics or other interventions to control the infection.

Is it possible to diagnose septicemia with leukemia?
