If you mean is the star sign Pisces a fish, then yes.
Van Maanen's star is 2° of the star Delta Piscium, in the middle of the constellation Pisces.
global clusters, open clusters and star clusters. (:
Two types of star clusters are open clusters, which contain young stars and are loosely bound together, and globular clusters, which contain older stars and are densely packed in a spherical shape.
In French Pisces is called ''Poissons."
it's Pisces...it's my birthday
Pisces is a constellation, not a star. However, within the Pisces constellation, there are various types of stars including main sequence stars, giants, and supergiants. The specific type of star can vary within the constellation.
Pisces (fish) is a constellation, not a star.
A galaxy typically has several star clusters.
by one star it is the biggest.
Pisces, but to some astrologers; aquarius-pisces cusp.