Though independent and well aware of personal interests, Aries subjects are competitive creatures who tackle life with zeal and vigor. At times, you will construe Arian approach to a project to be arrogant or domineering, but such are the qualities needed in a leader.
Here are notable positive Aries traits:
. Pioneering
. Adventurous
. Energetic
. Courageous
. Enterprising
. Confident
. Dynamic
. Quick-witted and
. Freedom-loving
Negative Aries Traits include:
. Selfish,
. Impulsive,
. Impatient,
. Foolhardy and
. Undiplomatic
here they are: (; positive: a leader, is energetic, helps others to acheive dreams, accepts challenges, beleives in the best of others, takes risks for others, defends the vulnerable/innocent, an open book, will give life for a loved one, continues even when others give up... negative: bossy, brash, blind to effect on others, intolerant, jealous, doesnt listen, selfish, impulsive, poor judge of character, dislikes authority/being told what to do.
you are an aries.
The star sign is Aries.
The axis of Aries is Libra.
philippe aries
Aries Is a gorgeous woman.
Yes, Aries is a goddess
Aries was the god of war
Aries = The Ram