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That they have fangs, hate holy water, garlic, crosses, can be killed by beheading or heart stabbed with a stake. And they drain their victims and blow up in sunlight. And they only go out at night.

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Q: What are some vampire myths?
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What are some of the myths for how to become a vampire?

There are a number of myths that surround vampire folklore. Most groups believes extend from early 18th century Southeastern Europe and myths include they are revenants of evil beings, witches, and suicide corps. You could also become a vampire if you were bitten by one.

What vampire myths are true?

None of them are true. That is why they are called myths.

Does a vampire die when their maker dies?

In some myths, yes. In traditional, pre-Stoker myths, the only way to kill a vampire is to stake him in the heart, remove his head and stuff it with garlic, and bury him in consecrated ground--under a church is best.

How in myths do you become a vampire?

It depends on the myth. In most myths it involves an exchange of blood between the vampire and the human. Sometimes it requires several exchanges and in some lore the vampire just has to drain the human to the point of death and then give this human his/her blood before the heart stops beating.

How can a person become a vanpier?

Do you mean vampire? Because that's impossible. In myths you have to get bitten by another vampire.

Where did the vampire rumors start?

They're not rumours, they're myths.

What are the release dates for Roswell Conspiracies Aliens Myths and Legends - 1999 Amok Vampire?

Roswell Conspiracies Aliens Myths and Legends - 1999 Amok Vampire was released on: USA: 1999

Are elves and vampire real?

No. Both are from myths, stories, folklore and are not real.

How can vampires turn humans into vampires?

In popular vampire mythology, vampires typically turn humans into vampires by biting them and draining their blood. The vampire's bite infuses the human with their own vampire essence, turning them into a vampire. Additionally, some vampire myths suggest that drinking the blood of a vampire can also transform a human into a vampire.

How do people get turned into vampires?

well, there are many myths but the number one way to become a vampire is to be bitten by a pure blooded vampire.

What are some examples of myths?

There are many myths in the world. Stories of gods and goddesses are considered myths, as are stories of creatures like unicorns and dragons. There are also origin myths, such as the Pueblo belief that their tribe climbed to Earth out of another world below this one; and myths to explain natural phenomena like "How the Bear Lost His Tail" and "Why The Kangaroo Has a Pouch."

Before entering a strangers house a vampire must?

Be invited, or so the myths say.