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fruit and bugs.

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Q: What Foods Do Vampire bats eat?
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What kind of foods bats eat?

some bats eat fruit or blood vampire bats eat blood and some bats eat bugs it really matters of what kind of bats eat

Do humans eat vampire bats?

it depends... majority dont eat vampire bats.. just an ordinary bats

Are vampire bats and bats the same?

No they are not, because vampire bats eat blood and nothing else, and normal bats eat insects-they can eat up to 3000 a day!

What do the vampire bat eat?

Vampire bats eat blood from living creatures.

Do pythons eat vampire bats?


What kind of food does a vampire bat eat?

Vampire bats eat/drink the blood of mammals such as deer.

Do jaguar eat bats?

Jaguars are not on the list of predators for vampire bats. The main predators of vampire bats are hawks and eagles.

Do vampire bats eat other bats?

No, they only suck other animals blood, hence the term 'vampire'.

What do regular bats eat?

fruit.Although vampire bats eat blood but rarely bites people

Do bats eat grass?

yes bats love the grass execpt vampire bats

What is a vampire bats domain?

A vampire bat lives in caves. Contrary to legend, vampire bats do not turn one into a vampire, and prefer to eat fruit instead of animal flesh.

Do vampire bats only eat in the dark?
