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Everyone has always believe that crop circles are made by aliens. But that isn't entirely true. Since, no one has really seen an alien do it, there is no way possible to know that aliens are behind this phenomenon. But, humans are more than capable to make a crop circle. All it takes is a lot of practice a corn field ropes and a board and precise measurements and a crop circle can be made. In the movies it always appears that aliens are behind this event. So there you have it, Crop Circles are not, as so many have claim, attempts at some type of communication by aliens. They are made by humans.

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14y ago
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14y ago

There are two possible answers for any given crop circle: either the crop circle was human made (by hand or with tools) or it was not. For every crop circle studied throughout history we have come to two verifiable answers: either the crop circle was human made or we didn't have enough evidence to conclude that it was human made. There has never been sufficient evidence to conclude that a crop circle was not human made. Therefore, any and all crop circles can be reasonably concluded to be human made.

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13y ago

Actually, there is no definitive proof that aliens are responsible for any of the crop circles found around the world. But a percentage of circles contain residue from the outer stratasphere, usually only seen on the outside of the space shuttles after landing. There is also a percentage of animal mutilations that have this same residue on them. Also a fact, reports of UFO's just prior to the finding of new crop circles and mutilations jumps considerably.

These are facts and as individuals we all must decide for ourselves what we think is real and unreal.

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15y ago

Many theories have been put out there, and UFOs is one of them. Nothing so far has been proven.

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Why do aliens leave crop circles?

people do not aliens

Who made crop circles?

Crop circles are typically man-made by individuals or groups using simple tools and boards to flatten crops in intricate designs. While some crop circles may be created as hoaxes or artistic expressions, there are also reports of unexplained crop circles that have led to speculation about possible paranormal or extraterrestrial origins.

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Aliens and Crop Circles - 2013 was released on: USA: 26 February 2013

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The cast of Aliens and Crop Circles - 2013 includes: Lloyd Pye

Has there been any sign of aliens making crop circles?

Many times when UFO sightings are reported, crop circles are found nearby. But as far as I know nobody has ever seen aliens make crop circles.

Do ufo's or aliens make crop circles?

Yes, they make crop circles to show their message to us and decode it

Were the crop circles made by aliens?

No, it turned out to be some pranksters with plywood boards and a lot of time on their hands.

What do crop circles tell us?

Crop circles are intricate geometric patterns that appear mysteriously overnight in fields of vegetation. While some believe they are created by extraterrestrial beings or paranormal forces, the consensus among scientists is that they are man-made hoaxes. Crop circles do not provide any significant insights or messages.

Are crop circles made by aliens or are they a fake?

Most have turned out to be hoaxes, but others are still a mystery. Nothing has been proven yet.

Did aliens make crop circles?

no they dont its only the people do it to scare us

What do aliens convey through crop circles?

Crop circles are rarely the work of aliens; most crop circle makers are residents of the country where they are producing the crop circles. What these pranksters and vandals are trying to convey is that they are clever and stealthy. They must be stealthy, and therefore no real statistics can be compiled, because if their identity is known, they will be charged with trespassing and destruction of property and forced to pay the owner of the crops for the destruction.

Which satellite makes the crop circles?

There is no man made satellite that makes crop circles.