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No, they do not exist.

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Q: Well id like to know if vampires existed my friend only comes out at night and drinks a red cordial I've never seen his mum or dad?
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What if a friend was a vampire should I stop hanging with him?

Oh come on vampires, VAMPIRES what could possibly lead to you thinking vampires are real

What does it mean for a guy to say he is cordial with you?

When a man of any age says he wants to keep things cordial he means polite with no strings attached. This means he will smile or chat with you, but is not interested in dating you or having you as a friend.

How can human vampires stay healthy?

Half Vampires? Well, my friend is quite healthy ^^ I don't know what she does. But shes fine. We're both vampires though.

When do you know your friend is a vampire?

Hate to break it to you, but vampires are not real.

What if your friend was a vampire?

That is not possible. Vampires do not exist except in your imagination

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He loves Pepsi like he would love a friend.

What does Jacob Black do in the book twilight?

Tells Bella about the wolves and the cold ones (vampires) and helps her realise that the cullens are vampires and is her friend

What to do if my friend's mom is a vampire?

You need to see a doctor as vampires do not exist.

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No! Who would want to be a friend with such a disgusting things as a....

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A friend has to send it to you

Is my friend a vampire because she is scared of the sunlight?

No, vampires are a myth.Your friend probably has Heliphobia. This is the phobia of sunlight which is medically recognised.

Why give a mug to a friend?

So your friend has something to remember you by. Also, so your friend has something to hold their hot drinks in.