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By one. Both shots that hit him came from the rear, toward where Lee Harvey Oswald and his rifle were.

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Q: Was John F. Kennedy killed by a group of people or only one person?
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Who killed Lee Harvey Oswald?

AnswerTo this day there is still an argument as to whether he killed Kennedy alone or was with a group. Nobody knows if anybody sent him because two days after his arrest he was shot by Jack Ruby when he was being moved to the County Jail. Fun Fact: Did you know that the gun that killed Kennedy was bought for around 12 dollars.AnswerTheories that Oswald did not act alone don't really hold up to investigation. Oswald was a man who never fit in; no matter what he tried, he always ended up alienating himself from the "group". The likelihood that he could cooperate or coordinate this activity with another person or persons is very remote. He had the training, the skill, and the means to carry it out all by himself. Most of all, after all of his failures, he had the motivation to make this grand gesture to show the world that he had what it takes.

How many people must be killed to make it a massacre?

Genocide, according to Wiki, is defined as, "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group". However, how many people it takes to be considered is apparently up for debate.

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What is worse genocide or murder of one person?

A U.N. Treaty defines genocide as the destruction of "a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group" so many more people are killed by genocide.

What should you not do within a group of people?

If a person is surrounded by a group of people, there are a few things that a person should probably not do. Committing illegal activity when surrounded by a group of people is not ideal, because those people become witnesses to your crime.

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A group of people following a rich person is often referred to as their entourage or followers.

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