Christianity believed Paganism, and any other religion that worshiped other gods, to be Satanism. So to answer your question, no. Jesus was not into witchcraft.
I'm fining out that it is! Don't do it.. Follow Jesus, I was huge into zodiac before I was saved. Just one of the many things Jesus Christ has redeemed me of...
No, Christmas lights have never been a sign of witchcraft. Christmas lights represent the Light of God, Jesus Christ, whose appearance in the world is celebrated at Christmas.
Absolutely, however black magic/witchcraft cannot withstand the authority of Jesus Christ.
The proper name for witchcraft is Witchcraft with a capital "W."
There are many references to witchcraft in the Bible. Galations 5: 19 lists many acts of a sinful nature and witchcraft is one of them. Acts 8: 9 thru 24 tells about Simon the sorcerer. Acts 13:6-12 tells of Bar-Jesus who was a false prophet There are a great many references to witches in the bible.
no Herman is not witchcraft
Sure, kitchen witchcraft has a lot to do with food.
Do you mean 'What is the Welsh for witchcraft?' That is 'dewiniaeth'.
There is witchcraft in league of legends.
Freemasons do not practice witchcraft.
it depends are you doing it and do you believe that Jesus Christ came to earth to die for our sins and rose from the grave 3 days later?
Witchcraft For witchcraft denotes more of a grouping of beliefs by common practices, and or terminology.