He/she does not want to be seen with humans, they like their life just the way it is and do not want the complications and trials and tribulations of the human population!
It should be pointed out that Bigfoot wears a size 10 shoe.
Because he is not real.
a bigfoot/sasquatch has been caught before
in 1884 in the town of yale in britsh Colombia a creature was caught... they believe is was a young sasquatch because of the fact that it walked on 2 legs and it was an ape like creature.... (in Canada there is no primates living here that we "know" of) its name was Jacco and he was 4 foot 7 inches and weighted 127lbs
Bigfoot is not real!
On ListVerse, there is a list for the top 20 BigFoot sightings including: Sasquash, Georgia Bigfoot in the Backyard, and the BigFoot Hunted by a Helicopter.
I seriously doubt Bigfoot has ever seen a toaster. Where would he plug it in?
As no known bigfoot has ever submitted an SAT for evaluation we cannot justifiably assignment it a rating.
Bigfoot not real in the 600 yrs that America has existed no Americans has killed a bigfoot before America the Indians lived here and in 400yrs no Indians have ever killed a bigfoot no has any person ever found a bigfoot that died from natural causes so1000yrs no one has touched, killed, or seen a bigfoot dead body ever but yet it lives in 10 different states in USA
There is like 500 or more people that seen bigfoot,not just one.
ya mom
Since no one has ever met Bigfoot the number of babies is a guess. Most believe Bigfoot is similar to humans and so they would have one usually at a time but on occasions can have more.
No she can't be captured