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No; dreams do not predict the future, they merely reflect what's on your mind in the present.

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Q: The same guy keeps appearing in my dreams. Does this mean anything Like could we possibly be together one day?
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What does it mean when i am dream my girlfriend and me together in my dreams?

This dream is not prophetic; it does not foretell anything about the future. Rather, it expresses the hopes and emotions of the dreamer. Assuming the dreamer hopes to be together with his girlfriend in the future, these are wish-fulfillment dreams.

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In Greek mythology, Morpheus was a god of dreams and did not have children in the traditional sense. He was one of the Oneiroi, the personified spirits of dreams, and was known for appearing in dreams in various forms to deliver messages.

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Dreams are just dreams and do not "mean" anything. The mind is sorting out stuff and there is no reason to place any importance in anything you may remember upon waking up.

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Dreams are just dreams, there is no significiant to this.

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It means that they want you, but you don't want them. Like it's saying "in your dreams" as in "you wish I would kiss you" Dreams reflect the emotions of the dreamer. They provide no information about anyone else appearing in the dream.

Cresselia dreams in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

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Does it mean anything if someone dreams about them and you being together?

It could mean that subconsciously they like you, or it could mean that you were the last thing on their mind for some reason when they fell asleep.

What does it mean when someone is constantly in your dreams even if the dream doesnt involve them heir just there is the dream trying to tell me something?

It is impossible to provide a reliable interpretation without actual information about the dreams themselves. Very generally, it does not seem that the dream is trying to tell the dreamer anything in particular. The "someone" appearing in the dreams might represent something that is constantly in the dreamer's thoughts. The dream provides no information about that "someone's" feelings, thoughts or condition.

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In your dreams, anything is possible.

Do yusei and akiza get together?

They might, I mean he truly loves her. In my dreams, I do see them together and being the couple forever.