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Do you want to be a vampire,are you tired of human being,having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes,without delaying in a good human posture and becoming a immortal. A world of vampire were life get easier,we have made so much persons vampires and have turned them rich,you will assured long life and prosperity,you shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness,stronger and also very fast,you will not be restricted to walk at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk,this is an opportunity to have the vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on our e-mail vampireslords437@



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Robert Martins

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3y ago
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13y ago

Vampires do not exist, but in most folklore, if a vampire did exist, the only way for you to become one is to be bitten. Then the vampire would put venom into your body, which kills you and makes you immortal; but vampires do not exist. I know, sad!!

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Q: Spell to change a human into a vampire?
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What is the spell to change a human into a vampire?

Please see the Related Link(s).

Can a human change into a pureblood vampire naturally?

There are no such thing as vampires. Movies and stories are just fiction so there is no question about how humans can change into vampire

What do you do if you are a twelve year old vampire through spell and all you can think about is blood?

Prepare a spell that revert's you back to human form, the chances of this spell working is 100%.

How the human became a vampire?

for a human to become a vampire a vampire has to bite to human

How do you turn into a vampire and change back to human?

You can't. Vampires aren't real.

Can vampire change into human?

no they cant because they are dead immortal so to say.

What an human should do to be vampire?

well, the best way for a human to become a vampire is: 1. use a spell/hex to trade your soul with a demon for vampirism. 2. have a vampire bite you and then drink the blood of the vampire (your new master) who bit you "though you may be in pain for a few days as return." 3. be born a hybrid and drink of the human blood to fully become one. 4. have a vampire drain your energy. and it is impossble to be born a vampire, the only possible way is to be born a hybrid and then drink the human blood when older to have the full effect.

Can people turn into a human vampire by saying a vampire spell?

A high level sorcerer with considerable resources and copious preperation could accomplish this. 'People', in the ordinary sense of the word, could not.

How can you change from a human vampire to a werewolf?

umm well this isnt a normal question... but from what i know from stories, you cant be a human vampire... sorry In order to be a werewolf you have to be living. In order to be a vampire you have to be dead. The two conditions are mutually exclusive. You can't be both.

Is there a spell to change a vampire into a human?

yes,the spell is blood red,pale skin,moonlight,draw me in,quench my thirst,coarsing veins,let my body feel no pain.. thats it! say it 10 times and you will become dizzy and have something in your stomachs for feeling at bed time only

How do people become vampires then?

A vampire can bite a person and the venom in the vampire saliva will spread and flow threw the blood system, or the vampire cam bite the person and then the person will suck the vampires blood and the person will become a vampire. A new way from books is that a vampire will mark the human making the human a vampire, in the first and third myths the vampire will keep there human soul in the second they wont but a magic spell can return it to them.A new test ( I have not tried it yet so be careful if you use it) is a magic spell the instructions are bellow and please use it carefully and if it dose work please let me know by (spell bellow) this spell will sell your soul and throw it away, this spell cannot be undone (be careful)Items you will needCandles 4 to 8Spell BookSoulDevils cross on the groundCasting Instructions for ' Become An Vampire'Mark the devils cross on the ground of the ritual.You place the lit candles on the ground and say ''I sell my soul To be a vampire'', If you see a devil or a demon you have to cut yourself as a sacravice and your blood drips on the cross.And It should take your soul of you and you should be a vampire in a few minutes after it.

What part in the Body makes a Vampire Bat change into a person?

the metosora this part is found near the heart. the bat can change into a human when ever it feels like. you can tell if its a vampire by its eyes(the bat) if there red its a vampire if not then its a normal bat the metosora this part is found near the heart. the bat can change into a human when ever it feels like. you can tell if its a vampire by its eyes(the bat) if there red its a vampire if not then its a normal bat