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Marks on fingernails usually indicate a vitamin deficiency and are not a sign of cancer.

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Q: My question is what is a dark line on you fingernail is it a sign of cancer?
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My question is what is a dark line on you finger nailis it a sign of cancer?

Dark lines on fingernails are not a sign of cancer. You could be deficient in a vitamin in your diet.

What does it mean when you have a line on fingernai?


What is the longitude of cancer?

If your question is: 'What is the longitude of the Tropic of Cancer?',The answer is 360 degrees. This is because the Tropic of Cancer is a line of latitude which spans over every degree of longitude.If your question meant: 'What is the latitude of the Tropic of Cancer?',The answer is 23.5 degrees north latitude.If your questions do not match these two, please rephrase your question.

Dark nipples and a dark line?

dark nipples" and a "dark line" occurs during preganancy

What is the line of Cancer called?

The Tropic of Cancer.

Imaginary line that lies 23 degrees north of the equator and marks the northern boundary?

The imaginary line that lies 23 degrees north of the equator is called the Tropic of Cancer. It marks the northern boundary where the sun can be directly overhead at noon on the June solstice.

Can a black line under toenail be cancer?

A black line under the toenail can be a sign of melanoma, a type of skin cancer. It is important to have it evaluated by a healthcare professional to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

When was Thin Dark Line - band - created?

Thin Dark Line - band - was created in 2002.

What line is further north the tropic of cancer or the tropic of Capricorn?


Is line is farther north the Tropic of Capricorn or the Tropic of Cancer?

Tropic of Cancer

What is the capitol of the tropic of cancer?

The Tropic of Cancer does not have capital. It is a line of latitude, not a country.

Which line is farther north the tropical of cancer or tropical of Capricorn?

Tropic of Cancer