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Q: Is winking of left eye good?
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Related questions

What are Superstitions about winking eye?

if your left eye is winking, something good is gonna happen to you and if right eye, something really bad is gonna happen to thou! vice versa left eye bad right eye good ---- There is another superstition that is that if your eye twitches, it means that someone is thinking positively about you - usually in a tender and caring way.

Was cato winking his eye at Katniss?

No, he never did.

If you only have 1 eye are you blinking or winking?


What does winking at your discords mean in Romeo an Juliet?

"Winking at" means "closing my eyes to", or "turning a blind eye to." The Prince has been turning a blind eye to the violence (discords) between the families.

How is the best way to draw someone winking?

draw a vertical line for the unwinking eye and a horizontal ine for the winking eye with 3 small no infact TINY line comin out of it

What is the tagalog meaning of winking?

The Tagalog meaning of winking is "pikit" or "ngumiti ng isang mata" which translates to closing one eye momentarily or smiling with one eye closed.

What is the meaning of jaw winking?

The phenomenon of purposeful mouth movements resulting in involuntary eye closing is often referred to as "jaw winking."

What does it mean when you look over at a girl and she already has one eye closed like she winked at you before you completely turned your head?

She probably just had something in her eye. Or, she may have been winking at someone behind you. If she had been winking at you, you would already know.

What does get your winking eye out of here mean?

The expression "Get your... out of here" means Go away. The ellipsis stands for any adjective-noun combination, such as inquisitive nose or winking eye - or editorial elbow, that represents the speaker's commentary on the activity and/or character of the person addressed.

Left eye blinking is good or bad?


What do nicitating women do to men?

Bilateral nictitation - blinking Lateral nictitation - winking Relax, she just has something in her eye.

When women left top eye blinking astrology bad or good?

What if man's left eye blinks according to Astrology please