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no only breaking a mirror is bad luck(7 years)

you could cut your hand and get an infection as well.

if you punched it with your fist or kicked the mirror with your foot.

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Q: Is touching a mirror cause bad luck?
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Why is it not bad luck to break a mirror?

It is bad luck to break a mirror. There is no not bad luck in breaking a mirror.

7 Y B L for B a M?

7 Years of Bad Luck for Breaking a Mirror

Is scratching a mirror bad luck?

No, you have to break it for bad luck.

Superstitions with scientific basis?

Superstitions are not based in science. There might be a logical reason like breaking a mirror is bad luck but does not cause bad luck but this is not scientific.

Why is breaking glass good luck?

Breaking glass is not good luck- it is bad luck. If you have bad luck coming your way, breaking glass will, according to superstition, eliminate it. Breaking glass, without any (bad luck) precursor, will supposedly manifest itself in only bad luck. Speaking in more detail, according to superstition, when one has bad luck coming his or her way, breaking a mirror works as a shield to bad luck. A mirror is a reflective device. When one breaks a mirror, it will reflect the bad luck of a broken mirror. But, when already in the presence of bad luck, it reflects the bad luck in the bad-luck dimension. Bad luck in the bad luck dimension is good luck, which we all obstinately have.

What happens if you crack a mirror?

it is supposedly bad luck. The only bad luck I can see in it is that you would have to go buy a new mirror

How do you Get Rid of the Bad Luck if You Break a Mirror?

There is no "bad luck" and the superstition of a mirror breaking bringing bad luck comes from the middle ages. So, don't worry about it you haven't gotten bad luck. All of us make our own luck.

How many bad luck if you break a mirror?

I have always heard 7 years bad luck.

Is it bad luck to have a mirror behind or in front of a bed?

I don't know. However it is great luck to find a mirror on the ceiling.

Why will you have a bad luck for 7 years if you break a mirror?


Does breaking a mirror really give you seven years of bad luck?

No breaking a mirror doesn't really give you bad luck it just people being supersticious

If you brack a mirror is it bad luck?

Yes. It is believed that if you break a mirror (whether the mirror is big or small) you will have bad luck for seven years. Some people believe it and some don't. It definitely depends on the person.