

Best Answer
yes i watch a hauting after school it is on discovery channel at 3:00 pm and if you hit info if it says where evil learks watch that and on the travel channel is this show called ghost adventures at 9:00pm on fridays i hope that helps bye._ ps im 11 years old

Ally-in-Wonderland's answer:

Don't always go by those petty ghost shows, for if they told the truth, they would be hidden in governmental offices. Yes, Demons are real, for I also have had experiences with THEM, pushing me down stairs, appearing in my mirror, erasing my work, ect.

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Q: Is there such things as demons?
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The demons were bad things like war, envy, and bad things like that.

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There are no such things as demons. It therefore correct that they can't follow people.

Are demons real and can you summon them?

different people believe different things things have been summoned but no one knows if they are real demons or not

Are demonds real?

Nope. No such things as demons or ghosts.

Do demons and ghost all does bad things are they real?

Demons definitely engage in nefarious acts but ghosts are just a myth.

Are demons coming after us?

Some people choose to blame things that go wrong in their lives on "demons" or "evil spirits" or "witches", but the truth is sometimes bad things just happen. Its no ones fault, its just part of life. Demons are not coming after us.

How do demons survive?

demons arent real though things resembaling those are, each demon has a differeent myth and survival stratergy

Do ghost live anymore?

there are no such thing as ghosts...but there are such things as spirits and demons.

What is supernatural photography?

Taking pictures of things such as ghosts, angels, or demons.

What do demons say?

DEmons will say anything you want to hear and also alot of things you really rather not hear.. but both are always always just lies

Why do some ghosts not know that they are dead?

there is no such things a ghosts, but they are demons sent from the devil.

What are the types of demons?

SatanLilithBelialBeelzebubAzazelLuciferSamaelAbaddonLeviathanthese are the names of satans demons