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This is a good scenario for you to read the evidence on bigfoot which I posted in the related links box below.

but no because there is no one has truly saw him

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Q: Is there such thing as Bigfoot?
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Does bigfoot have a birthday?

No. There is no such thing as Bigfoot.

Is there any such thing as BigFoot?

There is. Wikipedia has an article on evidence of the bigfoot. You can find it at...

Is there a such thing called bigfoot?

I don't think so.

Is their such a thing as bigfoot?

yes me an a friend found his bed

How meany Bigfoot have people seen?

Well if there is such a thing as a Bigfoot, then people have seen quite a number of them. However, as yet there is no absolute proof that there is such an animal as a Bigfoot. In view of this the correct answer is "none" (you can not actually see what does not exist).

What is the diet of Bigfoot?

Bigfoot can eat any thing that can fit down its throat and if not able to he will rip whatever he is trying to eat in to smaller pieces

Does bigfoot have a mom?

If bigfoot is real which is conseversial then he must have a mom. Just as we are born with moms any other animal or thing must have a mom or maker

What are the release dates for Fred and Barney Meet the Thing - 1979 Picnic Panic Bigfoot Meets the Thing 1-1?

Fred and Barney Meet the Thing - 1979 Picnic Panic Bigfoot Meets the Thing 1-1 was released on: USA: 8 September 1979

What do sasquatches eat?

There is no such thing as a Sasquatch. Yeah. Why is there a Sasquatch, Bigfoot, and Yeti column?

The Asian myth similar to the bigfoot?

The Yeti is the closest thing that comes to mind,

Why do people think there is no such thing as a bigfoot?

If people saw a tall man or woman call them bigfoot cause bigfoot is big other's are bigger than their doors like me im taller than my mom but im no bigfoot cause im only 11 years old and my mom is 33 years old but im taller thank her

How do you beat the bigfoot thing on crytipd island on poptropica?

You beat the Bigfoot thing on poptropica on crypt island on poptropica by following it for 2-3 minutes and not losing it. Then you see Grimlock and then you chase her and when you get close your avatar will say "I hope I wouldn't regret this" and you jump on her helicopter. Then you go down and press the gas part (where the gas is stored like in a car) then you have to jump down onto the cage where bigfoot is and use your hedge clippers (from the worker by mews mansion) then you and bigfoot fall.