

Best Answer

No. There isn't.

Actually, yes and no, its almost like a ghost, you know it's there but you can't exactly explain why. There are many explanations why you can't explain why, mine is that no one wants to test to see what a real vampire is and how it works because people do not take this subject truly seriously.

If you want to try to explain it, you are on your own... slightly. According to my personal research over a three year time, the virus of vampirism (in theory) resides in the saliva, this explains why when bitten the virus transfers to you. Sadly, the virus does not last for long, so in order to get the virus to stay alive, it takes the blood of the vampire that has already turned and creates a foundation, or in a hacking analogy, gets a password to breach the firewall, or in business terms, gets the keys to the building.

Asking this question is a hard question indeed, I have much more to say but, I don't want to say too much and bore you to death with my science, so yes. My research comes from actual field work (test subjects and surveys) as well as research and a well rounded network of websites that have legitimate answers (and don't give me that, it could be a role-playing site arguement, because role-playing sites have a very particular rhythm of answers to questions and they're quite easy to determine)

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