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I can't see how this would apply, we are not dealing with potentially hazardous motor vehicles, firearms, or other devices which could cause all sorts of mayhem in irresponsible hands. No state has outlawed playing cards=though all have statutes on gambling. It should be noted Tarot Cards are occult paraphernalia and not in any way related to say, Poker, Blackjack, or other gambling games. If it is considered a religious practice- the State should bow out, maybe not the best choice of verbiage- I do not mean in the sense of Genuflect!

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Q: Is there a license required in Arizona for reading tarot cards?
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Take out duplicates and cards that you cannot use or do not have the cards required.

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A math problem can be written as a story problem. For example: Jay has 15 baseball cards. He gets a packet of 10 new cards for his birthday. How many cards does he have now? 15 cards + 10 cards = 25 cards total *Reading is crucial to determining what operation(s) should be used to solve word problems.

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