The 'Illuminati', was founded on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian writer and scholar, to oppose superstition, prejudice, religious influence over public life, abuses of state power, and to support women's education and gender equality. These goals were not evil, they were goals to overcome oppression and improve their society.
One of the goals of the Illuminati was the overthrow of an oppressive monarchy and the control of civil authorities by the Roman Catholic Church. Unfortunately, they were very unsuccessful in their endeavor because that monarch, Karl Theodor, Duke of Bavaria and Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire, successfully destroyed the organization and imprisoned their leadership, which ended the existence of the Illuminati.
The so-called Illuminati of the modern day are simply an object of conspiracy theorists, the invention of writers and bloggers who enjoy feeding the imaginations of paranoid and naive individuals. .
Now, I assume the reason you ask this question is because you were told that the Illuminati are a Satanic group that plans to establish a New World Order. The people that spread these lies are the conspiracy theorists and any other "minions" they have. It does not help that we Americans are too stupid to have our own opinions, or acceptance of facts for that matter.
No. As the Illuminati no longer exist, haven't actually for over 220 years. Considering that the real Illuminati was disbanded in 1785, all of the members have long since passed away.
The Illuminati broke up in 1785. To my knowledge, they were never spectacularly good or bad.
The modern day imaginary Illuminati, a creation of the conspiracy theorists' imagination, is rarely claimed by them to do anything good! It is just a sort of catch-all name. If they envy or dislike someone, they simply declare them to be an Illuminatus. In real life, no one has ever been proven to be an Illuminatus in a court of law.
The Illuminati was an organization of enlightened intellectuals whose goal was the overthrow of an oppressive monarchy. They were very unsuccessful in their endeavor because that monarch successfully destroyed the organization and imprisoned their leadership. They were attempting to do good for their own society.
The only Illuminati that exists today is the invention of writers and bloggers who enjoy feeding the imaginations of paranoid and reality-challenged individuals who are unable to grasp real social issues. These modern perpetrators of the myth do no good for society; only to their own egos and sense of power.
The Illuminati broke up in 1785. To my knowledge, they were never spectacularly good or bad.
The modern day imaginary Illuminati, a creation of the conspiracy theorists' imagination, is rarely claimed by them to do anything good! It is just a sort of catch-all name. If they envy or dislike someone, they simply declare them to be an Illuminatus. In real life, no one has ever been proven to be an Illuminatus in a court of law.
Probably not. Since the Illuminati doesn't really exist anymore. And, 2012 is as much a prat of history as the Illuminati.
No one is Illuminati. They are not real and do not exist. They were made up for a good story.
No, no, no, no and NO =) have a good day
he was good at kung fu
NO. HES NOT. but he does bad things like sex, and wears thongs.
It truly depends on your focus. Here are some examples:1. Perception: "The Illuminati is perhaps one of the most dangerous organizations in the world today."2. Historical: "No similarly short lived group has had a greater impact on the present day zeitgheist than the Illuminati."3. Reality: "The Illuminati lies firmly between the realms of pure speculation and that populated by the tin.foil hat wearers."
No. No one is Illuminati. The Illuminati does not exist.
Illuminati is Latin. You just say, "Illuminati."
The (Pitcairn Island domain) is a website that supposedly connects the music industry, or parts of the music industry to the Illuminati. A review of the site material contains inferences an innuendos (and some bad acting), but no actual information of any kind. A typical source of Illuminati information for impressionable minds.
No. There is no Illuminati. The Illuminati was a fraternal organization in 18th century Bavaria.
Ariana Grande is not a member of the Illuminati. The Illuminati is not real.
Again, there are no members of the Illuminati that are in show business.