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Yes it is....ive actually witnessed this myself on many occassions.....some people have involuntary eye twitches while they sleep.

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Q: Is rapid eye movement involved in dreaming?
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When does rapid eye movement occur?

Rapid eye movement (REM) occurs when you are asleep and when you are dreaming your eyes move to see the images in your dream which your brain is thinking of. Usually 25% of sleeping is dreaming and that's when REM happens.

Name a sign that a person might be asleep?

Rapid eye movement (REM) - means the person is dreaming.

Does your eyes move when your sleep?

Yes, when you enter REM sleep, (REM= rapid eye movement), this is when you are dreaming, your eyes move just as if you were looking at what you are dreaming about

When your asleep what happens to your eyes when you dream?

When you go to sleep and you dream your eyes move in a rapid movement, referred to as REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep. That is how you tell when someone is dreaming.

What is the full form of REM Rock Band?

Rapid Eye Movement. It refers to the stage of sleep, most commonly associated with vivid dreaming, where the eyes can be observed to shift about rapidly. Hence the name.

What do the letters from the group rem stand for?

Rapid eye movement. Used to talk about a phase of sleeping when the eyes make rapid movements.

What does the REM part of REM sleep mean?

Rapid Eye Movement

What causes Rapid Eye Movement?

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) is a stage of sleep where dreaming occurs. It is characterized by rapid movements of the eyes and increased brain activity. REM sleep is thought to be important for cognitive function, memory consolidation, and emotional well-being.

REM sleep refers to?

Rapid eye movement is associated with dreams in the early hours of the morning.

When was Rapid Eye Movement - album - created?

Rapid Eye Movement - album - was created in 2006.

What is rep?

There is no such thing as REP sleep. However, REM sleep stands for rapid eye movement. It is during this state of sleeping that people are said to be dreaming.

What is REP sleep?

There is no such thing as REP sleep. However, REM sleep stands for rapid eye movement. It is during this state of sleeping that people are said to be dreaming.