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Ophiuchus is a half water and half fire sign.

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Q: Is ophiuchus a water sign
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What is the missing zodiac sign?


Is Iris the new star sign?

No, the new Astrological sign is Ophiuchus.

What is an ophiuchus's best match?

Ophiuchus is not a zodiac sign in Western astrology, which only uses 12 zodiac signs and is based on the Tropical zodiac.

What is the star sign between Sagittarius and Scorpio?

The star sign between Sagittarius and Scorpio is Ophiuchus. It is sometimes included in the zodiac, though not traditionally a part of the standard twelve signs.

Is there really a new zodiac sign?

No, they discovered that the dates that define the horoscopes are not quite accurate. The cusp (borderline dates) of each horoscope is out by a few days, therefore if you are an Aries in the old system, you should also be reading the previous sign, which is pisces, and so on.

Why is the 13th sign of the Zodiac not included in Astrology?

Ophiuchus is often mistakenly called the 'thirteenth sign of the zodiac' because the sign is thought of as an additional sign to the the twelve Tropical or Sidereal signs. In fact, Ophiuchus is a Sun-sign in the Real Solar Zodiac, i.e. the Sun can be seen against the stars of Ophiuchus between 30th November and 17th December each year. Ophiuchus is an Ancient Greek constellation. The Serpent Bearer is one of the original Ptolemy constellations, appearing in Al Magest Star Catalogue [c 130 - 170 AD].

What date is the new star sign Ophiuchus?

November 29 - December 17

Is Stephenie Meyer a Virgo?

She is Capricorn, but since the new sign Ophiuchus has been released, her sign may change .

What is the animal sign of ophiuchus in Chinese astrology?

There is no counterpart in Chinese astrology for ophiuchus.It is a disputed 13th zodiac sign.

Is dec 9 horeiscope Sagitarius?

Yes. Unless you want the new sign which is Ophiuchus that would be your new sign.

What are the dates for the missing zodiac sign?

If you mean Ophiuchus, November 30th to December 17th.

What iswhat is my star sign if you were born on 30th November my star sign if you were born on 30th November?

in between Ophiuchus and Sagittarius