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yes it is bad luck :(

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Q: Is opening a umbrella bad luck?
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Related questions

How much bad luck do you get for opening an umbrella inside?

no it is not bad luck

What is the myth with opening umbrella in a room?

Its is supposedly bad luck

How many years bad luck for opening an umbrella indoors?

If your superstitious it seven years bad luck.

Is it bad luck to wear an umbrella inside?

yes it is bad luck if u want it to b bad luck

Is pulling an umbrella up inside bad luck?

only if you believe in bad luck.

Is a umbrella open inside bad luck?


What are some superstitions?

If you walk under a ladder you get bad luck If you crack a mirror you have 7 years bad luck If you open an umbrella inside you have bad luck If you put your shoes on a table you have bad luck

Why is it bad luck to open an umbrella indoors?

Well 2 days ago I put a umbrella up in the house and at school I broke my finger so it is bad luck I think it's just a tradition

Is opening an umbrella inside bad luck?

The old superstition says it is. But it has more to do with the power of the human mind. If you think something bad will happen, then it probably will. Not because of the opened umbrella but from the power of your own mind. A very wise man once said:Whether you think you can or you can't you're right either way.

Is it bad luck to open an umbrella indoors?

Some say it is but personally i do not think it is. Because I've done it before and i didn't get bad luck! :)

What is the myth with opening an umbrella in an enclosed area?

The explanation is actually quite interesting. The belief was that opening an umbrella offends the spirit of the house because it implies that its roof and the walls do not provide adequate protection from the rain, so those spirits bring bad luck to those individuals. Of course this is only superstition with no credibility and no scientific basis. See the related link for more origins of superstitions.

Why is is bad luck to open an umbrella inside a house?

it is not bad luck it is just a legand or myth that some make up i done it before and i even got a computer for Christmas it is NOT bad luck;)