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absolutely not

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Q: Is it true when you dream of a death there will be a birth?
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What are examples of superstitious beliefs about birth?

if you dream of birth it sign of death

Is it true that babies dream even before their birth?

Yes. They dream mostly about eating.

What are the dream of upward mobilitymeans in the Death of a Salesman?

It means the people who is illusion a merican dream come true.

Is it true you cant die in your dreams?

i dont think so It is not true that one cannot dream about dying. It is possible to dream anything the subconscious mind can imagine. It is NOT true that when people die in their sleep, it means that they had a dream of dying. Dreams do not cause death.

Birth rates and death rates are factors of a population study.?

Yes. Birth rates and death rates are factors of a population study. True. Easier for people to understand than yes.

True or false if the birth rate is greater than the death rate population size decreases?


Is this true or false. If the birth rate is greater than the death rate population size decreases.?


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Should we say 'Dream come true' or 'Dream comes true'?

The expression is "Dream come true," because the helping verb "has" is implied. An expanded example would be: "Her dream has come true in this engagement." The shorter version would be: "This engagement is her dream come true."

When was And Your Dream Comes True created?

And Your Dream Comes True was created in 1965.

Did Harriets dream come true?

harriet dream did come true because her dream was for slavery to win independence

What is meaning of romeo in pining for rosaline?

he wants her just wants her to love him back,, thinks that true love lies in her