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What kind of question is that? No, vampires may feed during the day perfectly well, but it would sort of like playing tennis in bed: possible but weird.

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Q: Is it true that vampires only eat in the dark?
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Is it true that vampire bats only eat in the dark?

yes, because vampires hate light and always stay in the dark and come out at night. It is also because they burn in the sunlight but some modern vampires will glow like a diamond in the sun (twilight)

Why do vampires only eat in the dark?

Well, yes, but only because if they could stand in the light without frying they might just eat in the light also, but they can't so they won't.

Why vampires go outside in darkness?

Yes vampires feed in the dark but watch out there are more than 9999 billion vampires out there they're out there to get more and more of them so werewolves would die oh yeah did i mention I'M ONE OF THEM WATCH OUT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it true that vampires and vampire bats both feed in the dark?

vampire bats: yes vampire: no, they feed when they're hungry. light or night.

Do vampires get sick?

only when the eat garlic, and get submitted to sunlight

What do vampires eat when they are first turned into a vampire?

they don't eat, they only drink blood

Do vampires eat healthy things?

The presumption here is that you are asking about something real. Since you are not, vampires will eat what ever the author who created them makes them eat. From a literary perspective, vampires in stories will often not feed on diseased prey, so it could be said that they eat only healthy things.

Do all vampires feed only in dark why?

vampires can not go out in too much sun so they prefer to hunt at night but if the day has not that much sun then they can go out and eat people.

Is that true that there are man-eating vampires?

Yes, the less subtle group of vampires will eat an entire body. These are usually physically distorted so they can handle the job. Often grotesque.

What kind of vampires are their?

there are 2 types of vampires the vamps who eat animal blood and the vampires who eat human blood

Do psychic vampires eat food?

All vampires eat food they all do really I am a Hybrid Vampire and I eat human food all Vampires eat human food!

Do vampires survive only on blood?

they can also eat raw meat its not as good but they can survive on it