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Yes, this is very possible. People at atleast one point in their life will dream about... the future. It can have a positive or negative effect. If this keeps happening, see a therapist or doctor about this.

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Q: Is it true that some dreams can be like having avision of yourself or someone else in the future?
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What does it mean if you dream about someone calling you about someone in the hospital?

Dreams are about the dreamer. If you dream of putting someone in the hospital, your mind is using the image of that other person to represent something about yourself - probably that you are overdue for a medical checkup. On the other hand, if someone else dreams of putting you into the hospital, that dream is about that other person, and in that dream "you" represent something about that other person.

Can anyone have dreams of the future?

Yes, it is quite possible. People have had dreams, that they find themselves experiencing in future events.

What is it called when you dream the future?

When you get dreams of future events in your sleep, it is called precognition or precognitive dreams. Such dreams may be said to forecast or foretell the future.

When you dream of someone giving you a baby what does it mean?

it means nothing, dreams cannot predict what will happen, the future is never certain and it is a silly view to think dreams determine the future, but if you must know the implications of babies in dreams generally relate to death or great misfortune

Can people really tell the future through dreams?

There is no scientific evidence that dreams can predict the future. Dreams are a reflection of our subconscious thoughts, fears, and desires. While some people believe in the power of dreams for insight or intuition, it is not a proven method for foreseeing the future.

Can dreams tell the future-?

No, dreams are just your subconscious. There is nothing mystical or supernatural about them.

What to do when a girl say you have no future?

It's important to remember that someone else's opinion does not define your worth or future. Focus on surrounding yourself with positive influences and working towards your goals. If you believe in yourself and stay determined, you can create a bright future for yourself regardless of what others may say.

Who in the bible had dreams that foretold the future?


Do dreams mean any thing?

Dreams all depend on your perspective. Someone can think of a dream as their mind playing tricks on them while they sleep, creating a false, limited world where an open of the eyes can end it. Others believe that a dream is an extension of yourself. What I mean is that when you have a dream, it's your mind showing you the true capabilities of your imagination, it shows you what you truly love and fear. Dreams can also be a message of some sort, such as a message from the past or future. A warning, or a blessing. All depends on how you want to accept, or deny your dreams. Perception is key.

What is the meaning of ''The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams?

This quote by Eleanor Roosevelt emphasizes the importance of having faith in one's dreams and aspirations. It suggests that those who have belief in their dreams are more likely to achieve success in the future. It encourages individuals to pursue their dreams with optimism and determination.

How many psychics can predict small parts of the future in their dreams?

All psychics can. Having dreams about the future is one of the main signs that tell you you're a psychic.I'm a psychic, and my dreams always help me make prophecies.

What is your future dreams?

your future dreams just mean that you could be a psychic, but it always doesn't mean that. it could just mean that you have a special gift that others don't have.