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The short answer is, Yes. It is not easy, it is not a game and rarely is it something you can pay for.

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Q: Is it possible to really communicate with a deceased spouse?
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Is a spouse responsible for a deceased spouse's car lease if it is in his name only?

A spouse is almost never responsible for the expenses of a deceased spouse. However, if the deceased spouse had money and there will be probate, someone may make a claim against the deceased spouse's money in probate court.

Can the surviving spouse's wages be garnished for the deceased spouses medical bills?

No - the surviving spouse is not liable for the deceased person's bills !

Is the surviving spouse liable for the deceased spouse's debt if their name is not on the account?

If the couple resided in a community property state it is possible for the surviving spouse to be responsible for debt incurred by a deceased spouse even though he or she was not an account holder. Texas and Wisconsin are not considered "true" CP states as they treat solely incurred marital debt somewhat differently as do the other CP states.

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In Illinois is spouse liable for deceased debt?

Yes, because the death does not really matter in terms of debt. One is responsible for any debts of their spouse anytime and all the time.

Is the surviving spouse responsible for the credit card account held solely by the deceased spouse's in Washington State?

Washington State is a community property state, in most instances a surviving spouse is responsible for the deceased spouse's debts depending upon the nature of the debt and how the deceased's estate is handled under state probate laws.

Is surviving spouse responsible for debt of deceased spouse in Florida?

Indirectly, the spouse is going to pay the debts, either by a smaller inheritance or as a beneficiary of the goods and services purchased by the spouse. The estate of the deceased is responsible for the debts.

Is a spouse responsible for deceased spouses medical bills?

No - a person's debts die with them. The spouse of a deceased person is not responsible fofr their outstanding bills.

Is the surviving spouse responsible for the medical bills of a deceased spouse in NM?

The estate is responsible for all the debts of the deceased in New Mexico. The spouse will only inherit what is left after the debts are resolved.

Is spouse responsible for deceased spouses SSA debt?

yes usually the spouse is

Is the spouse responsible for a deceased spouse medical bills in New Jersey?


Is a surviving spouse responsible in Oklahoma for Credit card debt of the deceased spouse if the living spouse never signed and document?

In Oklahoma, the deceased's estate is responsible. The spouse can be held as a beneficiary of the costs and by inheriting less from the estate.