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unfortanately, it is. you may have bad luck for the rest of your life.

ANSWER:Actually what happened is this:

Ying and Yang fortune cookie company have a telepathic woman who works there and they know who is going to get what cookie. When it came to your cookie, they started typing up your fortune and since it was so large, they ran out of room. They got a letter sized piece and started typing again. When they filled up this piece of paper, they couldn't figure out how to get it back into the fortune cookie without cracking it before the cookie fell into the shipping bag at the end of the conveyor belt. If you call them, they have your fortune sitting next to the phone because they already know that you are going to call, having the telepathic woman and all.

.......At least that's the way I hear it.

Do me and yourself a favor and don't believe in such miniscule notions. God is the only one who knows your fortune and no one else. I have an old saying that is good. I know not what the future holds, but I do know who holds the future. God.


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It means that your fortune is what you make of it. You can see it as no fortune meaning death, or extreme free will not even the faiths can see your next actions.

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a. Bad fortune or ill luck. b. the condition resulting from bad fortune or ill luck 2. a distressing occurrence.

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