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No, this is called a False Awakening and it's extremely common. Though it can be momentarily confusing there's nothing bad about it.

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Q: Is it a bad sign when you dream of yourself dreaming?
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Can dream catchers keep ghosts away?

The meaning behind Dream Catchers is to protect a sleeping person from bad dreams. If you're dreaming of ghosts and believe in the use of Dream Catches then yes, the dream catcher can keep ghosts away. If you aren't dreaming of the ghost, then no.

Is it bad for you to dream of something and then it comes true?

No, there is nothing bad in any way about dreaming of something and having it come true. Quite the contrary, such a dream is a very good gift.

Why do you wake yourself up when you start dreaming a good or bad dream?

Often a good or bad dream will involve parts of the brain outside the subconscious, as when the intellect is involved or a decision needs to be made. An even more frequent scenario is the close examination of objects such as written material, which in a dream cannot contain the same level of detail as it does in real life.

Why do you dream of a toilet is it bad or good?

Dreaming of a toilet is neither good or bad. It is simply the effort of your own mind making you wake up to use the toilet.

When you think about a dream that you want do you get that dream?

maybe,depends if its a good dream that you like,or a bad dream that you hate.just think about it before you go to sleep,then you will be asleep,maybe having your dream. More seriously, it is possible that thinking about a certain person or subject before you go to sleep will result in your dreaming about that person or thing. However, it usually is not quite that simple. You may need to focus repeatedly on the topic you wish to dream of, or meditate on the subject, or give yourself the strong suggestion in several different ways. Even then, while you might succeed in dreaming about that person or topic, you have no way of consciously determining how that subject will appear in any dream.

Are you more rested when you dream all night or when you don't dream at all?

Studies say you are more rested when you are not dreaming because you do not have anything on your mind and you can rest peacefully without any bad or good dream bothering you from your peaceful rest.

Is it bad to dream every night?

no no because dreams are creation of mind . you might notice sometimes that the things running through your mind are the ones that you are dreaming of.

When you dream about a stranger suicide death?

Psychological studies show that if you meditate on something a lot, then the chances of dreaming about whatever it is are higher. Do you catch yourself thinking about this guy a lot? It doesn't necessarily mean that you like him, but for me there was a guy that admitted that he liked me. Before he said this to me, I didn't really notice him THAT much and I didn't think about him. Now, I like him more and more, thus, I think about him more. I now find myself dreaming about him, haha (: Just an example. So if you find yourself thinking about him a lot, then chances are, you're going to dream about him. And if you think about him, then chances are, that you might have feelings for him. Or just hate him haha.

What does it mean when dream about sinking in your bed?

it depends what kind of bed you are dreaming about dark bed = something bad like bad luck LIght colored bed = something good like money

Is there a way to avoid bad dreams?

It is impossible to avoid bad dreams but it is possible to change them. I know this because I have been able to do this. When youre dreaming and the dream turns to a nightmare, the first thing you need to do is try to wake yourself up a bit. when you are partly awake think about what you want to happen in your dream. This can be kind of difficult since its kind of hard to think while partly asleep then when you have and idea what you want to happen lay down and go fully to sleep and usually you have a better dream.

What does it mean to dream a man dressed in black?

et mmeen u die sooner thaen later bcuz u haf bad luk

Are dreams bad?

Dimethyltryptamine - "DMT" It's what makes you dream it's a fluid that your brain will process when you dream. Most people like to cut the middle of frogs brains to get "DMT" for a psychedelic trip.Dreams aren't bad, the are good for you. If you don't dream you will die from insanity.But if you wanna know more about dreaming etc, listen to Joe Rogan - Dmt on youtube.