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Q: Is bigfoot a mean animal
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Do you watch finding bigfoot on Animal Planet and do you believe in Bigfoot?


Is the animal Bigfoot real?

course he is

What should you do when you are a Bigfoot believer and your obsessed with Bigfoot how can you find more information besides the Finding Bigfoot show off Animal Planet?

Well you can look in the Internet for bigfoot

Does bigfoot chase people?

Actually bigfoot lives on the chase. You can see programs like search for bigfoot in the animal planet channel and you can see that.

What animal does not represent the Chinese year?


Do people try to hunt bigfoot?

Yes. Check out the TV series, Finding Bigfoot, on Animal Planet.

What is a yeti that is not bigfoot?

Yeti and Bigfoot are probably the same animal but look different due to adaption to their immediate environment.

Where did the bigfoot legend start?

There have been stories about a "bigfoot" or Yeti type animal in different parts of the world for thousands of years.

What is the world's most hairiest animal monster?

a sasquatch (bigfoot)

Bigfoot is a monster that is said to live in Canada What is its other name?

Bigfoot is also known as Sasquatch in North America, and this name is often used when referring to the species of animal that Bigfoot belongs to.

What type of animal is big foot?

Bigfoot is not real. He is just a myth.

What type of animal is Bigfoot?

Nobody knows but it could be an ape or something.