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Q: Is a taurus and a scropio a good match?
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Is a Taurus and a Scorpio a good match?

Yes, they do.

Pisces boy Taurus girl?

A good match, but just not the best. There will certainely be some problems, but it's a good match and all. Ehhhh I'd recommend Cancer for Pisces and Virgo for Taurus.

What is a best match for capicorn?

Very good match: Virgo and Taurus Good match: Scorpio and Pisces So-so: Cancer. Opposites attract...but beware!

What is the zodiac love match for a Virgo?

Virgos tend to have good compatibility with Taurus, Capricorn, and Cancer. These signs share similar values and traits with Virgo, such as practicality, loyalty, and emotional depth, which can lead to a harmonious and stable relationship.

What is a good match for Virgo?

Taurus, Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio, and sometimes Virgo too.

Which are the good match for a Taurus?

You can't have a perfect match only through the sun sign. Even then, I'm not sure if there is a thing as such as the perfect match as all relationships will come with lessons. But capricorn, cancer, pisces, scorpio and virgo can work really well for a taurus.

Do you think Taurus or Sagittarius is a best match for Libra women?


What zodiac signs match Taurus?

Virgo is definitely best; Capricorn and Taurus itself are close seconds though.

What is the love match for a female Virgo?

Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn make good matches for a Virgo.

Would a pieces and a Aquarius be a good match?

As per Indian Astrology - No. Pisces is compatible with Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn and Taurus.

Is a Cancer woman and Virgo man a good match?

They are a good match yes, but Capricorn and Taurus are better for Virgo and Scorpio and Pisces are better suited for Cancer, but yes generally Cancer and Virgo work pretty well.

Why aren't a Libra and a Taurus a good match?

Taurus is a very stubborn sign while Libra goes with the flow more. Taurus tends to be more stable. Libras also flirt which makes possessive Taurus jealous. Libras like change and conversing which can be overwhelming to a Taurus. This relationship would take work and is usually short lived.