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Yes most people consider a dead bird in the house as the sign of a bad omen. Birds are considered by some to be the harbingers of death.

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Q: Is a dead bird in the house a bad omen?
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It's bad for the bird. . . .

What does dead bird mean in witchcraft?

A dead bird is said to be an omen. This is believed by many to be a sign of bad luck.

Dead bird omen?

I think its an Italian superstition that when you see a dead bird, bad luck will follow. I wouldn't say it's a omen, since all things happen regardless, but it's more of a sign to be prepared for something you may see as bad to happen in your life

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There is currently no evidence to support that a dead fox was either a bad or good omen.

Is bird knocked out when hitting window or dead?

That depends on how hard the bird hits the window. I have seen them get up after a while, but in most cases they are dead.

Is a hawk carrying a dead pigeon in it's talons a bad omen?

No, it's just a bird doing what nature programmed it to do.

I Found a big brown bird dead inside my car this morning... bad omen?

If there's one thing you need to learn in life, friend. Don't anger the crows! If the crow is dead, bad omen. If it's not a crow, give it the throw away.

What does it mean if a bird dies in your driveway?

It is a bad omen

Is it a bad omen when you find a dead bird on your porch?

It's not so good for the bird, is it? Apart from that it has no meaning at all, unless an unkind person deliberately put it there to make you uncomfortable.

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When a bird comes into your home means good luck?

Yes, a pigeon flying in the house is considered to be a bad omen. In fact, any type of bird that flies into your home through a window is a bad omen. The omen typically involves the death of a family member.

Is it good or bad omen if bees come and make hive out side your house?

This can be a good or bad omen. If you don't like bees it is a bad omen however if you appreciate their role in nature it can be a good omen.