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Cancer and Sagittarius relationship goes from one extreme to the other.

Cancer Sagittarius Relationships

Cancer is cautious. Sagittarius throws caution to the wind. What keeps them together is their great sense of humor. Sagittarius knows how to use laughter to snap Cancer out of their moods and join in the fun. Cancer helps anchor Sagittarius and provide a home for them.

Cancer and Sagittarius Differences

Cancer is traditional, Sagittarius is non-traditional. Cancer is a homebody while Sagittarius is the eternal child.

Cancer saves their money, Sagittarius gives it away. Yes, they excite and fascinate each other for having qualities they both lack. Cancer would love lead the carefree life as Sagittarius does. Sagittarius finds their Cancer partner's diverse moods exciting.

Money is a problem for Sagittarius and Cancer. Cancer wants more and Sagittarius is willing to gamble it away. In conversation, Cancer tells it like they want it to be, while Sagittarius tells it like it is. They need an interpreter.

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There are in excess of 7,000,000,000 people in the world.

There are 12 'star signs'.

There are more than 500,000,000 people on average, for each sign.

Take any two signs. That is in excess of 1,000,000,000 people.

There will be many that are compatible and many that are not.

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