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Angels and Demons is a fictional (not real) novel (made movie) by author Dan Brown. As noted fiction is not real, it is made up, it is fake, bunk, a story, as Stephen King says "lies."

The success of a writer of fiction is measured in how successfully he can suspend disbelief in his readers. Dan Brown apparently succeeded.

The Illuminati is no more real than vampires, werewolves, unicorns, dragons, zombie apocalypse, Hobbits, halflings, elves, dwarves, or Skynet.

Relax and enjoy the story.

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Q: Is Illuminati mentioned in Angels and Demons is a real organization?
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In the movie angels and demons illuminati reads the same rightside-up and upside-down. What is this called?

This is an ambigram.

Is the movie Angels and Demons scary?

No. Angels and Demons is a movie based on a novel by Dan Brown about the Illuminati. While the movie is quite suspense feel it is not scary. There are some parts that are harsh but still it is not a scary movie.

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Do angels like demons?

In my opinion,Angels are attracted to Demons, however, good angels do not like Demons. Angels are sent to contribute. Demons are corrupt.

What are the Angels and Demons four pillars of the Illuminati?

The Angels and Demons film, based on Dan Brown's book, portrays the Illuminati as believers in four scientific elements: earth, air, fire, and water. These elements are presented as key components of the Illuminati's mission to advance science and knowledge.

What are the differences between demons and angels?

Demons are Evil and Angels are good.

Who do angels protect?

From my understanding i think the angel Gabriel was a messenger...........

Why is angels and demons called angels and demons?

The title "Angels and Demons" likely refers to the central conflict in the story between good (represented by angels) and evil (represented by demons). This contrast reflects the battle between opposing forces that drives the plot of the book and creates tension and intrigue for the reader.

Is Alex Hirsch a member of the illumanati?

No, Alex Hirsch is not Illuminati. The modern Illuminati is a conspiracy theory that was surfaced by novels like Angels and Demons. If there is anyone at all calling themselves Illuminati, they are a couple of people getting together, not an international ring of puppet masters, like made out in the fictional books.

When is the DVD release date for Angels and Demons?

Angels and Demons released in DVD format on November 24, 2009.

What rating will 'Angels Demons' movie have?

The movie Angels and Demons is rated PG-13.

Is The Lost Symbol the sequel to angels and demons?

No, actually the Da Vinci Code is the sequel to Angels and Demons. At the beginning of the Da Vinci Code, Robert Langdon is thinking about Vittoria who was his former accomplice in Angels and Demons.